Make millions of Astral Diamonds using crafting Professions in Neverwinter. Don’t be mistaken, this is no get rich quick scheme. This is how you can legitimately make millions of Astral Diamonds in Neverwinter by setting up your Professions correctly. This can be a steady source of Astral Diamond income along with your normal play. With a little work up front, you can have a reliable income that doesn’t cut into your play time.
To do it, you will need get a few Professions to at least 20th level. Stop sighing; it really isn’t as hard as you might think. Tedious… yes… hard… no.
I’m going to show you how you can easily max out your professions and set up a custom crafting shop that can make you a good bit of Astral Diamonds. I currently have about 10 crafters that each have a specialty and a backup Profession.
You can make about 50,000 Astral Diamonds a day in about 5 minutes once your crafter is set up.
That means you can make about 350,000 a week per character. (50k a day x 7 Days) That can easily be millions of Astral Diamonds per week depending on how many characters you have crafting.
First order of business is leveling your character. This is really easy. Check out my guide to see how to level fast and reach 60th level in a day.
Best Way to Level a Character Guide
Leveling Up your Crafter
This is the slow part, and the part that seems to stop so many. However, it is not nearly as bad as you might think to get crafting to a useful level. Here is how to speed it up.
Making Your First Million Astral Diamonds
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Well there you have it. It’s legit. Not a scam or get rich quick scheme. This is a tried and tested system to pile on the Astral Diamonds to your character. Easily make millions of Astral Diamonds with your crafting professions in Neverwinter. If you have any thoughts, tips, or tricks to make this guide even better let me know!