Star Wars TOR LogoThe updates for Star Wars TOR keep coming. It’s nice to see they are filling many of the holes that the Star Wars TOR community were, and still are, complaining about. There was a lot of out cry from the Star Wars TOR community feeling as if the game was released too early and missing some much needed features.

With the Star Wars TOR Update 1.3 Allies, they are adding in even more game systems that the gamers of Star Wars TOR are asking for. So far it looks like one of the best systems that is being released is a detailed oriented Group Finder. This Group Finder is meant to help the players of Star Wars TOR find the groups they are looking for faster and more efficiently then the current method of shouting on the fleet or trying to sort through the confusing social menu. This way you should be able to run around and work on your class quest or other things while looking for a group instead of spending hours sitting on the fleet staring at the wall.

A few other things such as a Legacy system upgrade, new content to play through and a handful of other game tweaks are coming out way to Star Wars TOR. Check out the newly released video below on this upcoming game update.