A new update for Dungeons and Dragons Online has been released. This one has quite a few fixes in it so make sure that you read through them to see what they have done and if it affects any of your characters. Here are the release notes in full. Release Notes: Update 15 Patch 2 […]
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Tag: Dungeons and Dragons Online
Dungeons and Dragons Online MotU Magic I...
Hey all! I just wanted to let you know that I have finally (sorry!) gotten some of the new items in the database at ddmsrealm.com. I have added in the Eveningstar collector traders and their items. Plus a few other random items here and there. You can see them here: https://www.ddmsrealm.com/index.php/dungeons-and-dragons-quest-and-magic-item-database/dungeons-and-dragons-online-quest-listing?txtBoxQuestName=&sDDQuestLength=%&sDDPatron=%&sDDLowLevel=16&sDDQuestType=Collectable&sDDAdventurePackList=%&sDDHighLevel=16&sDDGroupType=%&btSearch=Quest+Search Now that I have […]
Dungeons and Dragons Online Release Note...
Dungeons and Dragons Online has released another patch to the Menace of the Underdark expansion as well as many other areas of the game. They are working hard to get these fixes in place. It’s nice to see the update coming together so nicely. Here are the 14.2 Release Notes for Dungeons and Dragons Online. […]
Dungeons and Dragons Online Release Note...
The first major patch is due out today for Dungeons and Dragons Online since they have released the new expansion for the game, Menace of the Underdark. They are addressing a handful of key issues and fixing a lot of the new content that just came out. As is the new norm new content is […]
Dungeons and Dragons Online Update 14 Me...
Alright! Update 14 is out for Dungeons and Dragons Online. More then just a game update though this beast, Menace of the Underdark, is a full blown expansion. This expansion continues the storyline of opening a rift between Eberron and The Forgotten Realms following Lolth’s trial on her pursuit to ultimate power. Update 14 is […]