Star Wars: The Old Republic (TOR), a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game by Bioware, is scheduled to be released soon. The official date is December 20, 2011, but you can preorder now and get early game access! The collector’s editions are all sold out, but you still might be able to get the Deluxe […]
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Tag: Star Wars
Star Wars The Old Republic Flashpoints
There certainly is a long of excitement about the upcoming Star War: The Old Republic, better known as TOR. I will admit that I am also quite excited about this one as well. I am sure I will put in some time playing this one for sure. Don’t worry though it doesn’t mean I will […]
Star Wars The Old Republic Preorder Avai...
No game like Star Wars : The Old Republic (SWTOR) has captured my attention since Dungeons and Dragons Online was released. Everyone knows that I am a hard core D&D junky through and through but a large part of me is a gamer of all genre’s. MMO’s have had a special allure to me because […]